Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Response: Does Every Internet website NEED an Interactive Community?

Every Internet website does not NEED an Interactive Community. I believe not every person is going to be comfortable in creating an interactive profile in every site they visit for information. Furthermore, not every individual is going to have the patience or the time to upload pictures, comments or chat every website they visit. Individuals tend to select their main websites and their specific few interactive communities they would like to participate, but most wont join all of them.

As we have notice with time many successful websites have been integrating an interactive community in some form or another. There is no doubt, that by doing this consumers feel more intouch with the website or the product in question. Having said that many content-based website as well as products reject the idea of an interactive website unless your content is free from controversy, politically correct or simply indespensable to consumers. Due to the fact, that the product or content is exposed to both positive and negative reactions.

There are online newspapers ( dominicanoshoy.com, accionverde.com) where comments from readers can be posted after each article. This can favor the vistor of the website by exposing the opinions of the readers of such website, but if the visitor does not agree or does not like the nature of the comments or the general ideals chances are many visitors wont be visiting the site often. In sum, I believe interactive communities for websites used strategically (depending the nature of the website) can make the website successful, but is not always a good move.


  1. I agree with you views to an extent that not all internet websites need an interactive community but it also bothers me to think about how will their clients get across to the companies if they do not have an interactive community.

    Also who is going to advise these companies not to have an interactive community, it has become a norm for every company to have an internet presence and also create an interactive community.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree not every company NEEDS an interactive community but consumers these days seem to WANT it. For the reasons you expressed above such as feeling more connected to the brand. Also, I think people want to show their friends that they "like" a certain brand. They can rally up their friends to also "like" the brand and have them comment on how much they love it as well. This free publicity can prove to be incredibly valuable for companies. The more time a consumer is vested in your company, whether it's commenting on your recent news posts, or "liking" your company on a social networking site, this all provides top of mind awareness, which is priceless.
